Welcome to Ping!

We are excited to have you onboard and are looking forward to a successful partnership.

To get things rolling, we need some key information and materials from your team.

Need help understanding how to fill out this information? Watch this tutorial: Click to Watch

Please have these items ready before continuing:

Service Area File: Polygon of your coverage saved as a KMZ, KML or .csv with tower coordinates and radii.

Lead Transfer Contacts: Two phone numbers that can handle call transfers, and an email address.

Slack Channel Setup: Email addresses for team members’ inclusion.

Promotion Details: Specifics of current offers or discounts.

High-Resolution Logo: In .png format or original source files.

• Customer Contact List for Review, Private Feedback and Referral Campaign: A .csv with names, emails, and phone numbers.

• Former Leads/Customer List for Win-Back Campaign: A .csv with names, emails, and phone numbers.

Referral Program Details: Structure and terms of your referral program.

Info About You:

Critical Information for Onboarding:

Service Area Specifications:

For precision in tailoring and enhancing our marketing strategies, it is essential for us to receive a KMZ/KML file outlining your service area. This file will give us a clear geographic understanding of where your services reach, allowing for more accurate and effective targeting.

Watch this video to learn how to build your polygon using Google Earth Pro: Click to Watch

In case a KMZ/KML file is not readily available, an alternative approach would be to upload a CSV file above with the GPS coordinates for each of your broadcasting towers along with the specific broadcast radius for each tower. Please note: Targeting radius must be a minimum of 1 mile. This information will enable us to construct a detailed map of your service coverage. You can download a template here: Download Template

Lead Information Transfer Requirements:

Phone Numbers: We require two phone numbers for handling call transfers – a primary and a secondary. Ideally, if you have one number that rings everyone who can answer our calls that would be great so we don't have to wait on hold.

Email Address: Please list all email addresses that will receive all lead-related information. This will be our primary channel for sending transfer details and updates.

What Time Zone is your audience located in?

What is your sales business hours?

Collaborative Communication

Slack Channel:

Effective communication is vital to the success of our partnership. To facilitate this, we will establish a dedicated Slack channel for continuous updates and collaboration.

Please list the email addresses of all team members you wish to have invited into our Slack channel. This ensures that everyone involved is kept in the loop and can actively participate in the ongoing dialogue.

If you pay to use a Slack Pro Plan for your business, let us know so we can use "Slack Connect" to join the channel to your current workspace.

Promotion Details and Marketing

Promotion Information Request:

Please share details about the specific promotion you are open to running. This could be offers like free installation, a 50% discount on installation, or one month of free service. If you're not interested in running a promotion, that is ok as well.

These details will enable us to align our marketing strategies effectively with the unique aspects of your offer, thereby enhancing the campaign's overall effectiveness.

Please provide your chosen promo below:

Pick One

Logo in High Resolution:

To accurately and professionally represent your brand in our marketing activities, we need your logo in high-resolution.

Please upload it in .png format or send us the original source files. This will help us maintain your brand's visual identity across all marketing materials.

Google Review, Private Feedback and Referral Campaign Customer List Request:

For the success of our campaign, we need you to supply a CSV file containing customers contact info that includes:
First Name, Last Name, Email, and Phone Number.

Additionally, please let us know the email address(es) to which we should send any private feedback gathered from your customers through this campaign. This information will also be shared on a shared spreadsheet with you.

Referral Program Information:

Informing happy customers of your referral program is a part of the review campaign we are running. If we know a customer is happy with the service, they are more likely to recommend you to others.

Please provide how your current referral program is structured and if there are any terms or conditions involved.

Former Leads/Customers List for Win-Back Campaign:
Former Leads: Any leads that have shown interest but have not yet converted into customers. Even if some of the leads may be out of the service area, it’s okay, our software will prequalify them based on the map you gave us.
Former Customer: A list of past customers who have previously engaged with your services.

Additional Information

Timeline for Campaign Launch:

Once we receive all the necessary information from you, our typical timeline to initiate your campaign is approximately 10 business days or less.

This period allows us to meticulously prepare and tailor your campaign, ensuring everything is aligned with your specific needs and objectives.

Success Metrics and Reporting:

Our reporting system is designed to provide you with comprehensive insights into the campaign's performance on a monthly basis.

These reports will include key metrics such as:

• The number of calls successfully transferred.

• The number of call transfer attempts.

• Total ad spend for the period.

This data will help you gauge the effectiveness of the campaign and make informed decisions for future strategies.

Ongoing Support:
For all client queries and updates, the primary point of contact is through the dedicated Slack channel, ensuring quick and efficient communication, particularly for urgent requests.

We prioritize clear and prompt communication, especially during the crucial onboarding phase. For any questions or to schedule an onboarding call or meeting, please first reach out to us through the dedicated Slack channel, which is our primary mode of communication. This will ensure a swift and direct response.

Finalizing Your Campaign Setup:

With your details in hand, we'll quickly begin the process of setting up your campaigns. Our team is committed to excellence and aims to ensure a successful and collaborative partnership.

Confirmation: Please check the box letting us know you have uploaded all the information requested and that you do your best to fulfill the "Client Responsibilities" above so that this campaign will be as successful as possible.